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The Sacrifice of Isaac by Willem van Mieris

Poet says (Genesis 22)

The Sacrifice of Isaac by Willem van Mieris

Poet says (Genesis 22)

By Megan McDermott

Isaac bound,
as people tend to be,
for approval. Earning
points by nearing
death while avoiding
the indignity of a scream;
passing the threshold
for victory as the
cold metal met his chest.

To be clear, he is not
silent out of trust. He
is as stunned as anyone,
though not by the blood-
thirst of his father or his
father’s strange god. It’s
lovethirst that he can’t
fathom, that it’s potent
enough to will a body
up mountains, onto altars.

Megan McDermott is a poet and Episcopal priest living in Western Massachusetts. She is the author of a full-length collection Jesus Merch: A Catalog in Poems (Fernwood Press) and two chapbooks, Woman as Communion (Game Over Books) and Prayer Book for Contemporary Dating (Ethel Zine and Micro-Press).