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The Freshet

The Freshet

Fare Forward Poetry Competition: Honorable Mention

By Magda Andrews-Hoke

No moral in the marigold
at last.
Now cast
in calm of day. Not being told

to grow, or watered
into whimpering,
not dimpled
with the doubts of winter,

lashed to stakes,
uprooted, weeded, made
to ache
for sun, mistaken

for a thing in need
of pruning. Just
blooming. Trusted
by those whose own beauty

is always scapegoat,
is lost grace, is
place of barrenness, is
immoral marigold.

Magda Andrews-Hoke lives in Philadelphia. She has an MLitt in Theology and the Arts and was the 2019 recipient of the Frederick Mortimer Clapp Fellowship. Her poems can be found in Commonweal, Transpositions, and The Yale Logos.