Support Fare Forward
Fare Forward is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations in any amount will be tax deductible. Please let us know if you would like paperwork for your taxes when you make your donation.
Donations made on this page will be processed through PayPal at (the button below will automatically direct you to pay $10 for a submission to our Poetry Competition; this link will allow you to pay any amount you choose).
Please contact us if you’d prefer to make a donation by check.
You can also contribute to our efforts through our Patreon page, if you prefer. Patrons can earn cool Fare Forward swag, access to our Discord server, exclusive letterpress prints from Scale House Print Shop, and more.

Where the Money Goes
After basic operating expenses, Fare Forward‘s first financial commitment is to paying our writers, artists, and designers a fair wage for their work. All of our editors donate their labor pro bono to make Fare Forward happen. We have committed to paying all of our writers for our themed quarterly issues, and we need your support and subscriptions to make that happen.
Thank you for your interest and support!