You’ve Got Mail
A look back at one of the first takes on internet romance.
A look back at one of the first takes on internet romance.
Rowan Williams’s collection of three plays delves into the voices of artists and the purpose of art—before turning to Author of all voices.
Netflix’s film assumes that Jane Austen’s novel must be irrelevant now and modernized to fit current sensibilities.
The second entry in Randy Boyagoda’s Dante-esque trilogy carries the reader through a rollercoaster of a purgatorial journey.
By blending Anglo Saxon words with modern language, Hana Videen shows us how close the English of the past is to the English of the present.
We would do well to read Rowan Williams alongside Robin Wall Kimmerer, just as we should read Maximos the Confessor alongside Thomas Aquinas.
A public librarian joins Amanda Oliver in her reckoning with the institution of the library—past, present, and future.
A music writer makes the case for writing about music—and gestures toward the source of meaning-making.
A poet and teacher reviews a new collection following the adventures of a “Knucklehead” learning to learn, even as he sets out to teach.