The Vocation of Doubt
A lay minister reflects on the role intellectual pursuit can play in the making (and unmaking) of faith and life. By Kurt Armstrong
A lay minister reflects on the role intellectual pursuit can play in the making (and unmaking) of faith and life. By Kurt Armstrong
The autobiographical background of Dorothy Sayers’s fifth mystery novel makes an interesting background to the novel’s interrogation of proof and belief. By T. Wyatt Reynolds
A cocktail recipe by the editors
Josh Ritter's eighth studio album shows the singer-songwriter descending into smarm.
Josh Ritter's breakup album is smaller than his previous work, but it stops short of pure self-satisfaction.
Opening Remarks for the 2022 Poetry Issue from Whitney Rio-Ross
First Place: "Two Types of Ibeks" by D.S. Martin
Second Place: "Avocation" by Seth Wieck
Third Place: "My Daughter Asks for a Pomegranate" by Rachel E. Hicks