Not a Tame Unicorn: The Shocking Challenge of Beauty
The 1982 cartoon adaptation of The Last Unicorn blends genres and eras to bring the shocking challenge of beauty to the screen. By Eve Tushnet
The 1982 cartoon adaptation of The Last Unicorn blends genres and eras to bring the shocking challenge of beauty to the screen. By Eve Tushnet
Justin Ariel Bailey’s newest book takes a look at Christian cultural engagement and finds it wanting. By Alex Sosler
Two modern horror movies show surprising insight into the power and persistence of divine justice. By Zachary Lee
The Last Waltz opens a door to a particular era of American culture and music—for any who care to enter it on its own terms.
Pink Floyd’s feature-length music video, The Wall, turns forty this year—and the temptations to despair it depicts haven’t changed much.
Sometimes the journey to faith leads through doubt and denial—but it is not any less of a gift. By Emily Carter
The autobiographical background of Dorothy Sayers’s fifth mystery novel makes an interesting background to the novel’s interrogation of proof and belief. By T. Wyatt Reynolds