Welcome, Voyagers
Fare Forward is a Christian review of ideas founded in 2012 by a group of young Ivy League graduates. Trained by our time in the campus journal movement (now known as the Augustine Collective), we set out to start a publication that would be creedally orthodox, intentionally ecumenical, politically unaffiliated, and welcoming to all readers, regardless of faith or lack thereof.
Our name is taken from these lines of “The Dry Salvages”— the third of T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets. We are committed to its injunction to “consider the future / And the past with an equal mind.” How do we do this? First, through a broad ecumenism that embraces any thought within the bounds of the Nicene Creed. Second, by shaping the journal through a framework we call “thick doctrine, deep practice.” We strive for rich and rigorous engagement with Christian thinkers and theologians, both past and present, combined with an intentional, incarnational, and transformative practice of the Christian life. Click below to learn more about us.
Fare Forward was published as a print quarterly from 2012 to 2014, then as a web journal until 2016. We returned to print in 2017 with Issue 8. Our first eight issues are available to read for free at the link below. (The Archives are almost all migrated from our old site, as well.)
Sign up here to receive our weekly review newsletter every Wednesday afternoon. Each week, we’ll send you one short piece of original writing–nothing more, nothing less.
We publish themed issues featuring essays, interviews, and poetry here on our website on the last day of every month. Recent themes have included Kingdoms of Knowledge, Why Go to Church?, On Waiting Well, and The Art of Storytelling.