All the Rest
By Laurie Klein
Perhaps we are born into questions already in motion.
Are you bored. Do you hate missing out but also
have trouble sleeping. What if fatigue wins
and you never regain momentum. Might you need
pharmaceutical intervention. Can you still dream.
Who are you when you’re not at work. Do you thrive on
more or less. When is self-reproach tantamount
to a death wish. Are you shaking your head
as you read. Has your breath ever lurched
under your breastbone like a small tattered fin
snagged in a net. Why is the sacred
the one space you often misplace in yourself.
What did you do last Sunday. If you volunteer
a whole day to be good for nothing,
what is it worth. Do weekly timeouts make anyone
more like God. Who last called you a sinner.
If you pledge to unmuzzle your heart and
you worry you can’t stop crying and all those tears—
when they finally cease—litter your face with pale sand,
please, share what the rabbi stoops to write.
With thanks to Barbara Brown Taylor
Laurie Klein is the author of the newly released House of 49 Doors: Entries in a Life and Where the Sky Opens (Poeima Series/Cascade Books, 2015, 2024). Her work has appeared in The Southern Review, Terrain, Presence, Relief, Literary Mama, Whale Road Review, and elsewhere. She scripts and narrates thematic audio programs for “Poems to Listen By” for tspoetry as well as “The Poetry Moment” for KPBX, her local public radio station. Klein blogs, monthly, at lauriekleinscribe.com.