Fare Forward Poetry Competition, Honorable Mention
Chaos Theory
By Sally Thomas
Rummaging redbud leaves, the mock orange
Overgrown, flopped sideways on the fence—
The April afternoon grows slant and strange.
Massing stormclouds turn the light intense,
Eclipse-like, unfamiliar. My own name
Becomes an incoherence when I sign
The bottom of a check, a doctor’s form.
I introduce myself. What do I mean?
Chaos is not a theory. I mean, it’s not
Just that, but a description of the real.
Patterns and repetitions in the knot
We call this life defy our patient skill
To pick it open, tie it back together
In some way that makes sense. Makes sense to us,
I mean—to us, who try to read the weather.
My back-porch table holds a scattered cosmos:
Disjointed, bleached-down deer-bone specimens,
Last year’s wrens’ nest blown down from the the eaves,
Split brown cicada shells, some blank-eyed snakeskins,
Brittle, tesselated. Heart-shaped leaves
Unfurling on the understory trees
Cast shadows within shadows. My children’s faces
Turn up in photographs, each a surprise
I know by name. Say I set seven places
For lunch, though there were only six of us
When everyone lived here. Then, our existence
Was chaos. I loved it. And that seventh place?
I invented it just now, to make not sense
But sound. I needed syllables. Say I did
Set the extra place, though. Why would I do
A thing like that, unless the unexpected—
Another child, a late-comer, a new
Elijah at the window—was the way
The world cohered? Perpetual resonances,
Crazings of experience, each day
Rising from its grave, its random promises
Lined up like children by a schoolroom door,
Wild spring weather outside answering
The rhythmic murmurs of their hearts, and more—
That’s how it is. This thing is like that thing.
Sally Thomas’s latest book of poems, Among the Living, will appear from Able Muse Press in 2024. She is the author of a novel, Works of Mercy, published by Wiseblood Books in 2022, and a forthcoming short-story collection, The Blackbird, also from Wiseblood Books, and co-editor of the anthology Christian Poetry in America Since 1940, which received Christianity Today’s 2023 Book Award in Culture and the Arts. As associate poetry editor for the New York Sun, she shares the writing of a weekday Poem of the Day column.